October 1, 2009

5 reason I love storms

1. Storms make me want to cook for my family. Wholesome food is WONDERFUL on rainy days.
No Mickey D's tonight.

2. I love sitting on the porch and watching lightning with Rick and the kiddos. T-bone is terrified of storms, so he is up there with us. Hiding!!!!!! Ever seen a 200 pound dog try to hide. I promise that it would make you chuckle.

3. Storms are great for napping. My favorite hobby.

4. Storms usually cancel any sporting practice that my children have. I usually don't mind going. But occasionally, it's nice to miss one.

5. Storms remind me how big God is.

It stormed last night and it's supposed to all day. Guess that rules out mowing the yard. Instead I'm going to finish working inside. The basement has been my work zone for the birthday party. Needless to say, It's trashed!!! So off to work.

I'll let you know tomorrow how Ryan's football game in Brookfield goes tonight. That is, if they have it.

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