January 9, 2012

New Year = New Lists

I'm going to table my Christmas (part 2) post until later this week.  
#1. There are TONS of pictures and I'm dreading the comentary.
#2. People......I am soooooo done with Christmas.  The thought of looking at the pictures nearly brings tears to my eyes.

So, I will skip forward temporarily.

It's a New Year!!!!  2012!!!  Holy smokes they sure come around quicker and quicker nowadays.  We had a little bit of family and a little bit of friends over to celebrate (and it was nice).  
Normally I make the New Year's Resolution to bless someone every day.  I thought this year that I would add to that some.  2011 was a little difficult for me.  I wasn't sad in the least to see a different number on the ole' calendar.  I'm making a vow to make 2012 happier!  (More on that in a bit).

So, here is my list....... 

#1. Drink more water and less Diet Coke.
It's really not fair.  Why can't Diet Coke be good for me?  Why does water have to taste so blah?  Anywhoo, so far, I'm doing a better job.

In summary....

and less.....

#2. Plan meals ahead so there is less eating out.
We are gone nearly every single night.  Ball games, play practices, and whatever the heck is happening in our home, takes us away from our family table.  I believe that if I just planned better, we could avoid some of the impulse super sized Big Mac meals. 

#3. Exercise more and be aware of what I eat.
I go through spurts.  I have to say that last year, I did much better in the "healthy eating" catagory.  I want to continue that though and possibly improve on it.  I downloaded four apps on my phone called, "Ab Workout, Butt Workout, Leg Workout, and Arm Workout".  In case you're wondering, the apps target my ab's, my butt, my legs and my arms.  I did them all yesterday and my buns especially are a little achy today.  Achy is probably a good thing.  Achy means......DO IT AGAIN, and AGAIN, and AGAIN!!!

#4. Go to church regularly.
I'm starting a bible study on James on January 19th.  Pretty pumped up about it.  

#5. Ali Edward's "One Little Word"  started on 1-1-12.  I have picked a word each year for the last three years.  I try to be mindful of it.  This year, I am choosing HAPPY.

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