September 2, 2010

Punt, Pass, Kick

My boys could send a football into orbit if they wanted to..............

You think I'm fibbin'????

Well, I'm not.

They could probably send a football into orbit, once around Jupiter, and a looptie-loo around Mars.


Or it could be that I am an OVERLY proud mother..........

Who is excited that BOTH her young men won their age divisions of Punt, Pass and Kick in our area.

"What does this mean", you ask?

Well......... it means that they can kick the ball really good.

Pass the ball really good.

And punt the ball really good.

It also means that on October 23rd, they will participate in Sectionals. Which is a fancy word for......... all the winners of Punt, Pass and Kick in Missouri.

left to right: Jenson Simmer (overall winner in the girl's division), Brad Hayen(winner of 8-9 yr olds), Walker Graves(winner of 10-11 yr olds), Ian the Mighty Man Smith (winner of 12-13 yr olds), and Ryan the Dino-mite Smith (winner of 14 yr olds)

I'm proud as a peacock.

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