September 15, 2009

Happy Birthday GraceI

We have crossed a line that we thought we never would. Our son is wearing a Yankee's uniform. It is killing Rick!!!! Damn Yankees isn't just a band to us. Rick HATES YANKEE's!!! But we are super proud of Ryan
1. for making a competitive team

2. for pitching six outstanding innings Sunday evening

Gracie finds friends everywhere she goes. She introduced me to at least three little girls that were "her friends".
Ryan looks like a giant in this uniform. He is so tall and thin.
His coach, Rodney, is standing in the background.
Warming up before the game. This picture was actually taken by my apprentice, Gracie Smith.

The day FINALLY arrived! The day that has been talked about since the 15th of September 2008!!!!! Gracie's birthday!!!! She is officially four years from getting a cell phone, eight years from getting her driver's license, and ten years from getting her first horse (so she says).
She requested a giant iced cookie for her school party. So that is what momma got. Actually she had two giant iced cookies. I went to the classroom at 1:15. Frazzled out of my mind!!! (Trying not to show it though. Because I always want to be calm, cool and collected) I remembered the pizza cutter. I was impressed by that. But, I forgot the serving spatula. So, I had to use my fingers and a plastic butter knife. If I was at home I would have been licking my fingers. But I WAS in public and there is a minor pandemic going around. So I decided to use wet wipes. Golly, can't a girl even lick frosting off her fingers anymore?
One of Gracie's classmates asked if I was Gracie's grandma because I didn't look like her mommy from last year. That was awesome! It isn't appropriate to thump children on the head, is it? Now I'm paranoid about it. Kids are supposed to be honest, right? Poor lil' Sarah had no idea the bag of worms she just opened. She will go all through her life not realizing the impact that that simple comment had on a weirdo's soul.
A fellow classmate of Gracie's came to me and asked, in front of Mrs. Scott, if I made the cookies. I jokingly said, "If I had made it, it would have been burnt." Mrs. Scott then said, "and you made homemade chicken noodles for dinner tonight?" (which was another request of Gracie's that I gladly obliged) I then told Mrs. Scott, "Those will probably be burnt also." I was TOTALLY kidding. I've made homemade chicken and noodles tons of times. I pride myself on my hard work in the kitchen. I LOVE cooking and claim that as one of my MANY hobbies. Soooo, later yesterday evening, Rick's parents came for dinner and cupcakes. ARRGGGHH, I burnt the chicken and noodles!!!!!! You guys........I didn't just burn them, I scalded them. It permeated the entire pan. The first clue was the scent. You see, I couldn't visually tell they were burnt. But the smell!!!!! Man-o-man!!!!! I made my plate. Plopped a big ladle full of noodles on top of my homemade mashed potatoes. I noticed they had a "smokey" aroma, but oh well. I flopped into my chair at the kitchen table. Alongside Rick, his parents and my beautiful children. Feeling somewhat proud of myself for preparing such a wholesome meal. I looked around before taking my first bite. Ahhhh, there goes my husband. His spoonful is just about to his mouth. He opens and begins chewing. WAIT.....he's making a face. Hummm, that's not a good face. Oh no......let me take a bite really quick. (chew, chew, chew) Holy smokes!!!!! It tastes like crap!!!!! By now, my husband is saying things like, "blah, egghhh, and ewwwww" and scrunching up his face. Total embarrassment. I wondered after going to bed last night if Rick's mom and dad stopped for McDonald's on the way home.
This is Gracie's new bicycle. She is riding it barefoot, as usual. It was dark when she got it, so we were confined to the concrete pad in front of the garage.

This is Gracie's cupcake cake. (which I'm glad that I didn't cook)

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